ECC Tube oscillator
When making the 100 watt tube transmitter (elsewere on site) I get an assigment to build a nixie clock kit (also on the site). When making the clock and finish the high power circuit, I got the idea to use this hp circuit to fed an ECC tube, like an ecc83.

And to my suprise it worked very well... So I made an pcb with the High power circuit and as a bonus the pll circuit from a fm transmitter I build (fm transmitter)

On rest of page all info about this tube oscillator.

The oscilator is still in testfase it works but it needs some attention. The pll circuit works but must be I would say build it and try to make it better, let me know how it goes and I will update the findings.
Click on schematic to get bigger view
Click on picture to get bigger view
Testing if the high power circuit from a nixie clock kit will work....And it does...
Made a pcb layout.
It's now at the pcb factory for creating 10 of these pcb's....

Pcb has a 10x10cm format.

Pcb's have arrived....

Left picture is a build up pcb

Locked at 105.90 MHz

Made 1 misstake with resistor, put it to gnd but has to be to +5v. This is for the lock/unlock read out  from saa1057 to pic16f628a (see red wire)
Click on picture to get bigger view
Click on picture to get bigger view
Click on picture to get bigger view
Click on on textline for download the firmware 16f628a (hex)
Click on on textline for download the parts list
Want to change software I programmed it in oshonsoft basic compiler. Click on line for download the basic file
For use of a 2 pins heater (pin 4 and 5) instead of an 3 pin heater (pin 9 - 4 and 5) make a small adjusment at the pcb. Red is cut line, blue is make connection
Link to Oshonsoft basic compiler