Welkom to the FDU Nixie clock V2 page
On this page you will find the info about the V2 nixie clock.
This is the second version I created and has now a Real Time Clock ic (rtc).
This ic has a complete timing inside and together with the microprocessor it’s the heart of the V2 nixie clock
The nixie V2 version is no longer available,
will be working on new V3 version
below you can download the schematic and building instruction:
fdu nixie clock V2
~117Kb big
The fdu nixie clock has the following settings
- set time
- you can choose 24 (eu) or 12 (us) hours
- no zero  00:xx:xx or 0:xx:xx
- am/pm in 12 hour mode, you can choose between left or right dot of tube
(link on tube pcb)
- set date
- you can choose dd/mm/yy (eu) or mm/dd/yy (us)
- show the date (push button)> if clock is running in normal time mode
- set the time for switching time <> date
   the maximum show for time or date is 9 seconds, after some try outs , I find out that    the maximum time what most “test” people use is 6-7 seconds time and 2 seconds date.
- tubes off/on
The new pcb’s, dual layer metalized and silkscreen
The parts almost similar to the v1 version but now with a rtc and goldcap (right under)
The first build V2 version
The parts- power supply 100-240ac>12dc, pcb’s, wire, nixie tubes, resistors, transistors, ic’s, etc... all the parts you need to make a fully working nixie clock